I did not write this post, it was spoken by Sarah Jakes Roberts. I am sharing it because it spoke to me and related to how I’ve been feeling lately. I am not a victim, I am a Blessed Woman of God, and I will begin again.
“I’ve gotta start over. I’m not gonna die hungry. I gotta live. I gotta find joy. I gotta find peace. I gotta be a good person. I gotta have character. If people have to leave me in order for me to do it, then that’s what it has to be because I gotta begin again. I’ve gotta snap out of this thing that makes me feel like a victim and say Whoa is me every time I look in the mirror, and I have to start looking at obstacles as an opportunity to start over. I gotta begin again. God is going to cover you when you can’t connect with people the way you used to. God is going to cover you when you risk the vulnerability that comes with surviving. God is going to cover you when you start to heal your heart so you can love again. God is going to cover you as you begin to go in the workforce again.
You’re not in this thing alone. There’s gonna be a hedge of protection around you when you begin again. What keeps us from beginning again is that we don’t want to hurt again. I barely survived the first time. It took everything I had to survive the first time, and now God you’re telling me that I have to begin again, that I have to start over again. And God says that I do not want you to make your comfort zone your God. I am your God, and I can only show you the power of me being your God when you step out of your comfort zone and dare to begin again, to live beyond the moment of surviving and to dare to live again. It’s time to begin again. It’s not just gonna happen. You’re not just gonna wake up one day and feel like it. You’re gonna have to pick yourself out of that bed and force yourself to begin again. You’re gonna have to force yourself to forgive. You’re gonna have to force yourself to forget those things that are behind you. You’re gonna have to start over. But God says when you start over you’re going to slay a giant that your family never has to face again.” ~Sarah Jakes Roberts